COBA Studbook is the registry portal where all ancestry and technical records of dogs in Nigeria are kept. Other Records such as Birth Notification, Physical Conformation, Health tests, Temperament tests, Championship titles etc. are recorded throughout the lifetime of the dog.
For all Studbook classifications , The following standards apply :
1)Verification of microchip/tattoo and DNA collection conducted in conjunction with the National Breed Club.
2) Compulsory DNA Profile for Parentage purposes.
If a Sire is dead or not assessable, four (4) progenies & the bitch need to be DNA profiled to extract the DNA of the Sire likewise if the case was reversed.
3) Advanced DNA testing for breed marker compulsory only for dogs in BS studbook section & Disease testing - compulsory only for dogs entering SR studbook section.
4) Breed Evaluation & Conformation conducted in conjunction with the national breed club.
5)Certified Show/Working titles from an international Judge with verification for dogs in SR studbook section.
Our Studbook comprises of the sections listed below :
This is the Elite Status. Dogs eligible for this section must :
a) Females must be examined by registered veterinarians or veterinary institutions for signs of vaginal hyperplasia. Grade 1 or better is the criterion.
b)Hip and elbow dysplasia: A certified radiologist must certify that the dog (male or female) has a elbow status of between 0:0 and 1:1 or an FCI hip status of between A1 and C2, and an elbow status of 1:1 maximum.
c)Entropion/Ectropion: The dog must have been examined by registered veterinarians or veterinary institutions for its eyelids.
d)Fertility testing is required for all males on the Stud Register that have not sired a litter.
For a dog to be eligible for this section, the dogs must be :
a) a locally bred dog from 2 verifiable imported parents
b)an import into Nigeria with a verifiable pedigree Certificate/Export Pedigree Certificate:
c)an offspring from Appendix B x SP or Appendix B x Appendix B
3) DR - Development Register
B - Appendix B
A - Appendix A
BS - Basic Section
x | BS | A | B | SP | SR |
BS | BS | BS | BS | A | A |
A | BS | BS | BS | B | B |
B | BS | BS | BS | SP | SP |
SP | A | B | SP | SP | SP |
SR | A | B | SP | SP | SP |
A registered dog that is sold with the intention of, or on condition that it should not be used for breeding, or puppies born with a disqualification fault, shall be recorded in the PET Register. This Register is a safeguard for the breeder should the new owner not honour such agreement. COBA also needs this information for recording purposes.
Breeding with PET Registered dogs is not allowed. The offspring of such dogs will never be registered. Therefore the offspring of such dogs will never be registered.
Dogs in the PET Register shall not be allowed in the show ring.
A dog that was disqualified (for whatever reason) at a breed assessment show shall not be eligible for COBA registration or breeding purposes. The offspring of such dogs must pass assessment at 12 months before registration into Basic Section [BS].
Castrated males, or dogs born as monorchids or cryptorchids and sterilised females, are taken up in the Disqualified Register.
Dogs in the Disqualified Register shall not be allowed in the show ring.
All dogs locally bred or import presented with either full or partial parentage/pedigree details are automatically entered into this section until proper verification of parentage is made according to the aforementioned procedures of COBA and in consultation with the National Breed Club.
Note: Offsprings from TMP x TMP remains in TMP. Offsprings from TMP x other studbook sections remain in TMP.